Matthew J. Taylor, PT, PhD

Added by Matthew J. Taylor, PT, PhD

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Listed in Physical Medicine & Rehab

Company Name: Smart Safe Yoga
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Education and Credentials:
Dr. Matthew J. Taylor, PT, PhD, E-RYT 500 is a yoga injury expert witness. His broad background as rehabilitation provider, sports medicine physical therapist, past health club owner and senior yoga therapist who served on the board of directors of the International Association of Yoga Therapists makes him an expert of unparalleled qualification.

Dr. Taylor’s services include consultation, investigation, research and expert testimony on all yoga-related personal injury cases, including: falls, soft tissue trauma, ergonomic consultations, repetitive micro-trauma, manual corrections, and chronic disability.

He specializes in studio risk management, studio safety training, maintenance, management and operation; standards of practice, student safety, supervision issues, disability assessment, practice modifications, yoga philosophy and training. Dr. Taylor believes that by providing expert witness services he can serve both the yoga teaching community and the public by promoting true ahimsa through non-harming, informed judicial process in our society.
Dr. Taylor has led the campaign for safe yoga practice beginning with his seminal publication of Risk Management: Conscious Ahimsa in 2004, followed by his presentation by the same title at the 2007 Symposium of Yoga Therapy and Research in Los Angeles, CA. Very few yoga training programs go beyond reviewing the traditional precautions for asanas in safety instruction. Teacher, therapists and studio owners enter their communities without adequate safety systems in place which leave their students, themselves and their teachers vulnerable to accidents and avoidable harming. Testimonials available and some posted here:
Years in Practice: 34
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs: 1
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