
Cohen Software Consulting, Inc.

Added by howardcohen

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Listed in Computers, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, Software Engineering

Company Name: Cohen Software Consulting, Inc.
Education and Credentials:
BS Physics, City College of New York
MS Physics, Brandeis University
PhD Theoretical Physics, Brandeis University
Graduate work in Statistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Software intellectual property litigation
Trade Secrets
Software Applications
RDBMS / database
Years in Practice: 18 as an expert; over 30 as a software architect and implementer
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs: 5
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Cohen Software Consulting, Inc. offers expert witness and expert consulting services in a broad range of software intellectual property litigation, including patents, trade secrets, copyright, DMCA and software business practices. Dr. Cohen brings over 30 years of industry experience as a software architect and implementer in a wide variety of applications areas to his expert work, begun in 1997. He has had over 45 engagements, testified once in Federal Court and twice before retired Federal judges at JAMS arbitration hearings.

Dr. Cohen has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (Brandeis University) as well as graduate work in Statistics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Stanford University). Applications areas he has worked in include digital cartography and geographical information systems, real time aircraft simulation, bioinformatics (genomics and proteomics), banking systems for foreign exchange traders,image analysis, electronic design automation (layout, verification, simulation and emulation), and many others.

His specialties are in algorithms, relational database and graphical user interface; including source code analysis. He is a clear and fluent communicator in writing and orally, making complex technical areas accessible to his audience, whether peers, attorneys or juries.

His web site is and telephone is 650.856.8123

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