The Tree Doctor, Inc.

Added by ken knox

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Listed in Arborist

Company Name: The Tree Doctor, Inc.
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Education and Credentials:
Penn State University / B.S. Degree in Forestry
Rutgers University / Specialized Training in Arboriculture
Ohio State University / Specialized Training in Arboriculture
Served as Expert Witness for many attorneys in many states (human injuries caused by trees)
Declaring whether or not negligence was a factor in situations where people were injured;
Providing a professional value of trees that were damaged by another person
Serving as an expert witness for either the plaintiff or the defendant, considering which side is "correct".
(I will not serve on a case which I feel has no valid reason or info to argue against the other side).
I will read thru all info that is provided (depositions, photos, etc.) before I make a decision to provide assistance.
The side I serve on generally wins the case (FACTS are what truly win the case, in most instances, and I present the FACTS).
Years in Practice: 45
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs: 14
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The Tree Doctor Inc. provides professional advice concerning the care of trees, whether or not a tree should be retained or removed, what the reasons were that a tree broke apart and/or fell and injured someone, etc., etc., etc.
We do not operate a tree care business, so are not “selling anything except true unbiased professional advice.

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